Erlwyn Drive Residents Association
Ladies Social Club
Member / Contact List
Board Of Directors
Erlwyn Update / News
Previous Updates/Meeting Minutes
Draft Constitution / Bylaws
Membership Dues
Upcoming Events
Ladies Social Club
Liability Insurance
Treasurer's Reports
Road Maintenance Costs
Application To Work On 66' ROW
Incorporation Info
History Of Erlwyn Drive
FOCA Membership (Federation of Ontario Cottagers Assoc.)
Right Of Way Deeds
Enbridge Gas
Bell Telephone

The EDRA Ladies Social Club will convene every second Thursday from 7:00 pm to 10:00 pm.

The meeting location will vary, it will rotate to a different members home each time.

Watch this site for the date and location of the first meeting.

A schedule of further meeting dates and times will also be provided.

All ladies of Erlwyn Drive are encouraged to attend and have some fun.