Erlwyn Drive Residents Association
History Of Erlwyn Drive
Member / Contact List
Board Of Directors
Erlwyn Update / News
Previous Updates/Meeting Minutes
Draft Constitution / Bylaws
Membership Dues
Upcoming Events
Ladies Social Club
Liability Insurance
Treasurer's Reports
Road Maintenance Costs
Application To Work On 66' ROW
Incorporation Info
History Of Erlwyn Drive
FOCA Membership (Federation of Ontario Cottagers Assoc.)
Right Of Way Deeds
Enbridge Gas
Bell Telephone

On May 16, 1947 J. Errol Wilson paid $4,500.00 to purchase 18 lakeshore lots and the Right of Way (ROW) access from, Raymond F. Crough.

After purchasing the property, Errol decided to name the ROW after himself and his wife Winnifred.

("ERL" from Errol, and "WYN" from Winnifred; thus Erlwyn Drive came into being).

Over the years, all the lakefront properties were sold. The ROW was not passed over to the cottage association, it remained deeded to Errol Wilson. Errol and his family forgot that they still owned the ROW.

The cottage owners eventually took over the maintenance of the road. In February 2000, Errol Wilson passed away. Unknowingly, his wife Winnifred became the beneficiary of the ROW known as Erlwyn Drive. Their daughter Dorrell, gained Power of Attorney over the ROW and eventually sold it to the Erlwyn Drive Residents Association on February 14, 2003 for $3,300.00

If you have any other info or old pictures which would be suitable for this page, please contact Mike Morton - Thank you