Erlwyn Drive Residents Association Inc.
735 Erlwyn Drive, Ennismore, Ontario, K0L 1T0
March 24, 2003
Enbridge Consumers Gas
101 Consumers Drive
Whitby, Ontario, L1N IC4
Attention: Wendy Cain
c.c. Anissa Trenholm
Steve Sisnett
On February 14, 2003 the Erlwyn Drive Residents Association Inc. (EDRA) finally acquired ownership of the Right-Of-Way
know as Erlwyn Drive (registration # 694774). On that same day our lawyer processed the easement for Enbridge Gas (registration
# 694775). Enbridge now has the legal paperwork they requested to facilitate the laying of a gas main along Erlwyn Drive.
We know that Enbridge has vast experience laying and locating gas lines, we leave it completely up to your discretion to determine
the ideal route.
Late last year Enbridge shocked us by changing their original stance, stating that we would now be required to pay $54,000.00
to have a gas main installed along Erlwyn Drive. We cannot understand the sudden reason for the change based on all that has
occurred over the past two years.
In 2001 we conducted and submitted a survey for Enbridge, the response was 100% favourable. We were informed that anything
over a 50% positive response would warrant the installation of a gas main.
In the summer of 2001, in preparation for the laying of a gas line along Erlwyn Drive, a survey crew laid out survey stakes
and pinpointed the route of the gas main. This route is identified on your drawing # 40-6285-01, created in June 2001 and
approved by K.Todd on July 23, 2001. Shortly afterwards a letter was hand delivered to our homes stating a gas main would
be installed the following day and expressed an apology for any inconvenience it may cause.
For some reason the installation did not occur as specified. Communication with Enbridge continued. We were later informed
that a gas main would be installed if an easement was provided. The original owners were reluctant to provide the easement
so our EDRA organization attempted to purchase the road so that we could provide the appropriate easement for Enbridge. We
finally convinced the owner to accept an offer in August of 2002. Prior to submitting the offer we E-mailed Enbridge on August
19th to ensure that Enbridge was still receptive to installing the gas main. On August 26th we received
a positive confirmation from Enbridge via E-mail. Subsequently we submitted an offer to purchase Erlwyn Drive; unfortunately
due to problems with the estate of the original owner, the offer did not close until February 14, 2003.
In October, while still awaiting the closing of the purchase, we were contacted by Enbridge and asked to complete another
customer survey. Shortly afterwards we received a distressing telephone call from Enbridge informing us that they were sorry
for the change, but it would cost us $54,000 to have the gas main installed along Erlwyn Drive. A point was made that living
on a private road versus a municipal road had a bearing. We cannot understand why we are being discriminated against and treated
differently because we live along a private road.
Our neighborhood is drastically changing; new large homes are being built, and extensive renovations are being undertaken
by EDRA residents. We would like to provide you with this updated information and hope that it will sway you back to your
initial intent of providing a gas main along Erlwyn Drive at no charge.
We look forward to hearing from you in the near future.
Ron Marenger, EDRA President, 705-292-9020,
Michael Morton, EDRA Secretary, 705-292-6035,